pid = $pid; } function showJPG() { module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'plugins/tagging_form'); module_load_include('inc', 'fedora_repository', 'plugins/ShowStreamsInFieldSets'); global $base_url; $tabset = array(); $tabset['my_tabset'] = array( '#type' => 'tabset', ); global $user; $qs = ''; if ($user->uid != 0) { // $qs = '?uid=' . base64_encode($user->name . ':' . $user->sid); $qs = '?uid=' . base64_encode($user->name . ':' . $user->pass); } $viewer_url = variable_get('fedora_base_url', 'http://localhost:8080/fedora') . '/get/'. $this->pid . '/ilives:viewerSdef/getViewer'. $qs; $html = ''; drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/header-viewer.css', 'theme'); $tabset['my_tabset']['second_tab'] = array( // $collection_fieldset = array ( '#type' => 'tabpage', '#title' => t('Full-size'), '#content' => $html); $tabset['my_tabset']['first_tab'] = array( // #type and #title are the minimum requirements. '#type' => 'tabpage', '#title' => t('View'), // This will be the content of the tab. '#content' => ''. '
'. drupal_get_form('fedora_repository_image_tagging_form', $this->pid) . '
', ); $ssifs = new ShowStreamsInFieldSets($this->pid); $tabset['my_tabset']['third_tab'] = array( '#type' => 'tabpage', '#title' => t('Description'), ); $tabset['my_tabset']['third_tab']['tabset'] = array( '#type' => 'tabset', ); $objectHelper = new ObjectHelper($this->pid); $item = new Fedora_Item($this->pid); $dc_html = $objectHelper->getFormattedDC($item); $ds_list = $objectHelper->getFormattedDatastreamList($this->pid, NULL, $item); $tabset['my_tabset']['third_tab']['tabset']['view'] = array( '#type' => 'tabpage', '#title' => t('View'), '#content' => $dc_html . $ds_list, ); if (fedora_repository_access(OBJECTHELPER :: $EDIT_FEDORA_METADATA, $this->pid, $user)) { $editform = drupal_get_form('fedora_repository_edit_qdc_form', $this->pid, 'DC'); $tabset['my_tabset']['third_tab']['tabset']['edit'] = array( '#type' => 'tabpage', '#title' => t('Edit'), '#content' => $editform, ); } // Render the tabset. return tabs_render($tabset); return theme('fieldset', $collection_fieldset); // . (user_access('add fedora datastreams') ? drupal_get_form('fedora_ilives_image_tagging_form', $this->pid) : ''); } }