diff --git a/includes/solution_packs.inc b/includes/solution_packs.inc
index 6a81b487..4d124a71 100644
--- a/includes/solution_packs.inc
+++ b/includes/solution_packs.inc
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function islandora_solution_packs_admin() {
$info = islandora_describe_repository($url);
if (!$info) {
$config_url = url('admin/islandora/configure');
- drupal_set_message(t('Could not connect to the repository. Please check the settings on the Islandora configuration page.', array('!config_url' => $config_url)), 'error');
+ drupal_set_message(t('Could not connect to the repository. Please check the settings on the Islandora configuration page.', array('@config_url' => $config_url)), 'error');
// set variables
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ function islandora_batch_reingest_object($object_model, &$context) {
function islandora_install_solution_pack($module_name = NULL, $op = 'install') {
// check if a module name is given. // @TODO: check module name for existance
if (!empty($module_name)) {
// include files
module_load_include('inc', 'islandora', 'includes/tuque');
module_load_include('module', 'islandora', 'islandora');
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ function islandora_install_solution_pack($module_name = NULL, $op = 'install') {
// set globals
global $base_url;
global $user;
// set variables
$sp_admin = url($base_url . '/admin/islandora/solution_packs');
$config_url = url('admin/islandora/configure');
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ function islandora_install_solution_pack($module_name = NULL, $op = 'install') {
$info_file = drupal_get_path('module', $module_name) . '/' . $module_name . '.info';
$info_array = drupal_parse_info_file($info_file);
$module_label = $info_array['name'];
// check connection
$url = variable_get('islandora_base_url', 'http://localhost:8080/fedora');
$info = islandora_describe_repository($url);
@@ -323,11 +323,11 @@ function islandora_install_solution_pack($module_name = NULL, $op = 'install') {
// operation
switch ($op) {
case 'install':
- drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: Did not install any objects. Could not connect to the repository. Please check the settings on the Islandora configuration page and install the required objects manually on the solution pack admin page.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '!config_url' => $config_url, '!sp_url' => $sp_admin)), 'error');
+ drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: Did not install any objects. Could not connect to the repository. Please check the settings on the Islandora configuration page and install the required objects manually on the solution pack admin page.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@config_url' => $config_url, '@sp_url' => $sp_admin)), 'error');
case 'uninstall':
- drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: Did not uninstall any objects. Could not connect to the repository. Please check the settings on the Islandora configuration page and uninstall the required objects manually if necessary.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '!config_url' => $config_url, '!sp_url' => $sp_admin)), 'error');
+ drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: Did not uninstall any objects. Could not connect to the repository. Please check the settings on the Islandora configuration page and uninstall the required objects manually if necessary.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@config_url' => $config_url)), 'error');
@@ -355,26 +355,26 @@ function islandora_install_solution_pack($module_name = NULL, $op = 'install') {
$label = isset($object['label']) ? $object['label'] : st('Object');
// check if object already exists
$query = $connection->api->a->findObjects('query', 'pid=' . $pid);
+ // object url
+ $object_url = url($base_url . '/islandora/object/' . $pid);
// operation: install or uninstall
switch ($op) {
case 'install':
// if object exists, don't re-ingest
if (!empty($query['results'])) {
- // object url
- $object_url = url($base_url . '/islandora/object/' . $pid);
// check object status
$object_status = islandora_check_object_status($object);
// set messages
switch ($object_status) {
case 'up_to_date':
- drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not install @label. The object already exists and is up-to-date.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid, '!url' => $object_url)));
+ drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not install @label. The object already exists and is up-to-date.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid, '@object_url' => $object_url)));
case 'missing_datastream':
- drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not install @label. The object already exists but is missing a datastream. Please reinstall the object on the solution pack admin page.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid, '!url' => $object_url, '!sp_admin' => $sp_admin)), 'warning');
+ drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not install @label. The object already exists but is missing a datastream. Please reinstall the object on the solution pack admin page.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid, '@objecturl' => $object_url, '@sp_admin' => $sp_admin)), 'warning');
case 'out_of_date':
- drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not install @label. The object already exists but is out-of-date. Please update the object on the solution pack admin page.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid, '!url' => $object_url, '!sp_admin' => $sp_admin)), 'warning');
+ drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not install @label. The object already exists but is out-of-date. Please update the object on the solution pack admin page.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid, '@object_url' => $object_url, '@sp_admin' => $sp_admin)), 'warning');
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ function islandora_install_solution_pack($module_name = NULL, $op = 'install') {
// build and ingest new object
// set message
- drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: installed @label object.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid)));
+ drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: installed @label object.', array('@module_label' => $module_label, '@label' => $label, '@pid' => $pid, '@object_url' => $object_url)));
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ function islandora_install_solution_pack($module_name = NULL, $op = 'install') {
// if object exists, set message
if (!empty($query['results'])) {
$object_url = url($base_url . '/islandora/object/' . $pid);
- drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not remove @label. It may be used by other sites.', array('@pid' => $pid, '!object_url' => $object_url, '@label' => $label, '@module_label' => $module_label)), 'warning');
+ drupal_set_message(st('@module_label: did not remove @label. It may be used by other sites.', array('@pid' => $pid, '@object_url' => $object_url, '@label' => $label, '@module_label' => $module_label)), 'warning');
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ function islandora_check_object_status($object_model = array()) {
// Check if the datastream is versioned and needs updating.
$installed_version = islandora_get_islandora_datastream_version($object, $ds['dsid']);
$available_version = islandora_get_islandora_datastream_version(NULL, NULL, $ds['datastream_file']);
if ($available_version > $installed_version) {
$object_status = 'out_of_date';
diff --git a/islandora.install b/islandora.install
index 1a4022b6..c44c6418 100644
--- a/islandora.install
+++ b/islandora.install
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* @file
* This file contains all install functions.
* Implements hook_install().
diff --git a/islandora.module b/islandora.module
index e2ff9728..1845eeb4 100644
--- a/islandora.module
+++ b/islandora.module
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ function islandora_object_purge($object_id) {
drupal_set_message(t('Cannot remove object, object id not set'));
// load object
$object = islandora_object_load($object_id);
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ function islandora_islandora_required_objects() {
// module path
$module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'islandora');
return array(
'islandora' => array(
'title' => 'Islandora',
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ function islandora_islandora_required_objects() {
'dsid' => 'TN',
- 'label' => 'Thumbnail',
+ 'label' => 'Thumbnail',
'mimetype' => 'image/png',
'control_group' => 'M',
'datastream_file' => "$module_path/images/folder.png",