0) { $suggestString=""; foreach ($autoSuggestTerms as $term ) { $path = url('ebsco/results', array('query' => array('type' => ""))); $suggestString.="".$term." "; } echo "

Did you mean ".$suggestString."?

"; } } if ($records){ echo t('Showing')." ".$record_start." - ".$record_end." ".t('of')." ".$record_count." "; if ($search_view == 'basic') { echo t('for search')." '".check_plain($lookfor)."' "; } if ($search_time){ echo "," .t('query time').":".check_plain(round($search_time, 2))." s"; } print $sort_form; print $pager; if (!user_is_logged_in()) { $link = '' . t('Login') . ''; echo '

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    1. result_id; ?>
      small_thumb_link){ echo' '.t('Book jacket').' '; } ?>
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      summary)){ echo ''.$record->summary.'
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    "; var_dump($autoSuggestTerms); } } */ echo search_help('search#noresults', drupal_help_arg()); } ?>