get(SettingsForm::BATCH_SIZE) : $batch_size; return is_null($fids) ? static::buildPeriodic($force, $batch_size) : static::buildFixed($fids, $force, $batch_size); } /** * Creates a batch for processing a fixed list of file identifiers. */ protected static function buildFixed(array $fids, bool $force, int $batch_size) { $builder = new BatchBuilder(); return $builder ->setTitle(\t('Performing checks on @count file(s)', ['@count' => count($fids)])) ->setInitMessage(\t('Starting')) ->setErrorMessage(\t('Batch has encountered an error')) ->addOperation([static::class, 'processFixedList'], [ $fids, $force, $batch_size, ]) ->setFinishCallback([static::class, 'finished']) ->toArray(); } /** * Creates a batch for processing files that have periodic checks enabled. */ public static function buildPeriodic(bool $force, int $batch_size) { $sources = \Drupal::config(SettingsForm::CONFIG_NAME)->get(SettingsForm::SOURCES); if (empty($sources)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No sources specified, check the modules configuration."); } $builder = new BatchBuilder(); foreach ($sources as $source) { $builder->addOperation( [static::class, 'processSource'], [$source, $batch_size], ); } return $builder ->setTitle(\t('Enumerating periodic checks from @count Source(s)', ['@count' => count($sources)])) ->setInitMessage(\t('Starting')) ->setErrorMessage(\t('Batch has encountered an error')) ->addOperation([static::class, 'processPeriodic'], [$force, $batch_size]) ->setFinishCallback([static::class, 'finished']) ->toArray(); } /** * Check the given files. * * @param int[] $fids * A list of file identifiers. * @param bool $force * A flag to indicate if the check should be performed even if the time * elapsed since the last check has not exceed the required threshold. * @param int $batch_size * The amount of files each time this process runs. * @param array|object $context * Context for operations. */ public static function processFixedList(array $fids, bool $force, int $batch_size, &$context) { $sandbox = &$context['sandbox']; $results = &$context['results']; if (!isset($sandbox['total'])) { $sandbox['offset'] = 0; $sandbox['total'] = count($fids); $results['successful'] = 0; $results['ignored'] = 0; $results['skipped'] = 0; $results['failed'] = 0; $results['errors'] = []; } $chunk = array_slice($fids, $sandbox['offset'], $batch_size); $end = min($sandbox['total'], $sandbox['offset'] + count($chunk)); $context['message'] = \t('Processing @start to @end of @total', [ '@start' => $sandbox['offset'], '@end' => $end, '@total' => $sandbox['total'], ]); $files = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('file')->loadMultiple($chunk); // It is possible for non existing fids to be listed in $chunk, in such // cases this is ignored. $results['ignored'] += count(array_diff($chunk, array_keys($files))); static::check($files, $force, $results); $sandbox['offset'] = $end; $context['finished'] = $sandbox['offset'] / $sandbox['total']; } /** * Enable periodic checks on files as returned by the give source view. */ public static function processSource(string $source, $batch_size, &$context) { $results = &$context['results']; // Do not track success/failure on processing source, as that is done for // checks only. Errors however do get passed though. if (!isset($results['errors'])) { $results['errors'] = []; } /** @var \Drupal\dgi_fixity\FixityCheckServiceInterface $fixity */ $fixity = \Drupal::service('dgi_fixity.fixity_check'); $view = $fixity->source($source, $batch_size); $view->execute(); // Only processes those which have not already enabled periodic checks. foreach ($view->result as $row) { try { /** @var \Drupal\dgi_fixity\FixityCheckInterface $check */ $check = $view->field['periodic']->getEntity($row); $check->setPeriodic(TRUE); $check->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $results['errors'][] = \t('Encountered an exception: @exception', [ '@exception' => $e, ]); // In practice exceptions in this case shouldn't arise, but if they do // exit to prevent an infinite loop by exiting the operation. $context['finished'] = 1; return; } } // End when we have exhausted all inputs. $context['finished'] = count($view->result) == 0; } /** * Checks all files which have enabled periodic fixity checks. * * @param bool $force * A flag to indicate if the check should be performed even if the time * elapsed since the last check has not exceed the required threshold. * @param int $batch_size * The amount of files each time this process runs. * @param array|object $context * Context for operations. */ public static function processPeriodic(bool $force, int $batch_size, &$context) { /** @var \Drupal\dgi_fixity\FixityCheckStorageInterface $storage */ $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('fixity_check'); $sandbox = &$context['sandbox']; $results = &$context['results']; if (!isset($sandbox['offset'])) { $sandbox['offset'] = 0; $sandbox['remaining'] = $storage->countPeriodic(); $results['successful'] = 0; $results['ignored'] = 0; $results['skipped'] = 0; $results['failed'] = 0; $results['errors'] = $results['errors'] ?? []; } $files = $storage->getPeriodic($sandbox['offset'], $batch_size); $end = min($sandbox['total'], $sandbox['offset'] + count($files)); $context['message'] = \t('Processing @start to @end', [ '@start' => $sandbox['offset'], '@end' => $end, ]); static::check($files, $force, $results); $sandbox['offset'] = $end; $remaining = $storage->countPeriodic(); $progress_halted = $sandbox['remaining'] == $remaining; $sandbox['remaining'] = $remaining; // End when we have exhausted all inputs or progress has halted. $context['finished'] = empty($files) || $progress_halted; } /** * Performs a fixity check on the given list of files. * * @param \Drupal\file\FileInterface[] $files * A list of file identifiers. * @param bool $force * A flag to indicate if the check should be performed even if the time * elapsed since the last check has not exceed the required threshold. * @param array &$results * An associative array with the results of the fixity checks * - missing: The number of file identifiers for which no files exist. * - successful: The number of files that were successfully checked. * - errors: A list of error messages if any occurred. */ protected static function check(array $files, bool $force, array &$results) { /** @var \Drupal\dgi_fixity\FixityCheckServiceInterface $fixity */ $fixity = \Drupal::service('dgi_fixity.fixity_check'); foreach ($files as $file) { try { $result = $fixity->check($file, $force); if ($result instanceof FixityCheckInterface) { if ($result->passed()) { $results['successful']++; } } else { // The check was not performed as the time elapsed since the last // check did not exceed the required threshold. $results['skipped']++; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $results['failed']++; $results['errors'][] = \t('Encountered an exception: @exception', [ '@exception' => $e, ]); } } } /** * Batch Finished callback. * * @param bool $success * Success of the operation. * @param array $results * Array of results for post processing. * @param array $operations * Array of operations. */ public static function finished($success, array $results, array $operations) { $messenger = \Drupal::messenger(); $messenger->addStatus(new PluralTranslatableMarkup( $results['successful'] + $results['ignored'] + $results['skipped'] + $results['failed'], 'Processed @count item in total.', 'Processed @count items in total.' )); $messenger->addStatus(new PluralTranslatableMarkup( $results['successful'], '@count was successful.', '@count were successful.', )); $messenger->addStatus(new PluralTranslatableMarkup( $results['ignored'], '@count was ignored.', '@count were ignored.', )); $messenger->addStatus(new PluralTranslatableMarkup( $results['skipped'], '@count was skipped.', '@count were skipped.', )); $messenger->addStatus(\t( '@count failed.', ['@count' => $results['failed']] )); $error_count = count($results['errors']); if ($error_count > 0) { $messenger->addMessage(new PluralTranslatableMarkup( $error_count, '@count error occurred.', '@count errors occurred.', )); foreach ($results['errors'] as $error) { $messenger->addError($error); } } } }